
Modules that I have assisted/taught

University of Birmingham

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cognitive Neuroscience (MSc module) (Module convenor: Dr Magdalena Chechlacz)

Served as a teaching assistant for practical workshops (25 students per class) covering:

  • Basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data (file types, loading, reading and viewing files)
  • Introduction to Programming (Linux, bash)
  • Using FSL to perform neuroimaging analyses (diffusion MRI, resting-state and task-based fMRI)

As part of the module I created and ran a tutorial in conducting group-level resting-state fMRI using FSL. Committed to open-source education, you can find these materials (along with an introduction to neuroimaging in Python) here.

University of Reading

Introduction to Neuroscience Methods (BSc module) (Module convenor: Professor Anastasia Christakou)

Served as a teaching assistant with Dr Rich Harrison for group tutorials (20 students per class) covering:

  • Introduction to Neuroimaging (principles of MRI/fMRI, TMS, EEG)
  • Constructing Research Hypotheses and Experimental Design
  • Neuroethics
  • Practical tour and demonstration of CINN laboratories (MRI, EEG, TMS)